
Put Lipstick on Biden and He's Still a Pit Bull

NPR had a nice segment on Biden stepping up his attacks today. He is an awesome surrogate - literally. Today he was all over McCain for his lies - and expressed his dismay at how McCain "approves" of these current ads after the he was hit with the same sort of slander in S. Carolina back in '00!!

My favorite quote was "We've seen this movie before, and we all know that the sequel is much worse than the original"

UPDATE: he also said:

“I could walk from here to Lansing, and I wouldn’t run into a single person who thought our economy was doing well, unless I ran into John McCain.”

“The same campaign that once called for a town hall a week is now launching a low blow a day.”

ALSO: There's actually a liberal 527 group with an ad out showing one of McCain's Vietnam buddies worrying about having McCain - with his temper - hovering over the "red button."

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