
Conservative Alternative

This guy has some reasons on why the House GOPers did a great job. See if you think he makes sense. Even the Editors at NRO think it was bad to shoot it down!

1 comment:

Dr. Ed said...

I think the guy makes perfect sense until he gets all gooey with "Conservatism is more than a quaint belief-system to be embraced . . . It is the foundation of the civil society." HELLO! And then, "The liberal uses crises, real or manufactured, to expand the power of government at the expense of the individual and private property." WHAT? Maybe this guy has never met Karl Rove.
It wasn't the house republicans. As Mr. Blog points out earlier, the dems didn't need the GOP to pass this one. 95 house democrats voted against it.
He writes a nice article and then ruins it with some self-serving partisanship. "If the GOP won't do it, who will?" How about anybody else who comes along? The GOP hasn't done squat! Okay, to be fair maybe they have done squat.