
More Palin

(via Halperin) Man oh Man. Katie Couric, by splitting up her interview with Palin, has commanded a weeks worth of news cycles! I bet Couric can't believe the stuff Palin has spouted to her with a straight face!

Asked by CBS’ Katie Couric about the morning-after pill and abortion for rape/incest victims, the VP nominee refuses to lay out a clear policy stance.

She does say she supports “a culture of life” and opposes jailing women who have abortions.

Also declines to name any newspapers or magazines she read as governor, says she considers herself a feminist, and says she doesn’t think poorly of gays, stating that she has a close gay friend “who made a choice that isn’t the choice that I have made.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, she's pretty bad. But are we lowering the bar for her? If she pulls off "kitchen plattitude" answers at the debate and comes out and says, "I know I flubbed but I'm learning", will that gather sympathy support from the "everyday" people who relate to her.

Is no really a time to have a unlearned person making decisions?