
Halftime Adjustments

John Heilemann has a great profile in New York Magazine about all the shake-ups in Obama's white house, his readjustments, his boosted numbers, etc. ... including how Obama wrote the key (and most memorable) parts of the Tuscon speech.

Think You Know What the Founders Thought of Gov't Sponsored Health Care....

....Think again. Read this interesting post in Forbes about the bill John Adams signed in 1798 whereby the government mandated that certain citizens have health insurance. It's not exactly apples to apples, but it's enough to show that the original tea partiers weren't as crazy as the current tea partiers.


Lockheed Martin as Big Brother

Guernica has a good article about how Lockheed has its fingers in the entire gov't and is all over your private life.


As If I Needed Any More Reality Checks

This is old news to me (and a source of a continuing headache). Kids should think long and hard about whether law school is really worth the investment.


Hickenlooper Profiled in the NYT

"The John Hickenlooper Exception" runs in the NYT Magazine, profiling his unorthodox manner and rise to governor.