
Should We Get Out Of Iraq?

Two smart guys in Foreign Affairs only disagree on how SOON we should go!!

A great article - essentially the "success" of the surge is only a band-aid on a bullet hole. Take the Sunni Awakening for example - we exploited religious/cultural/political fissures and divides in order to turn the Sunnis against AQI (Al Qaeda in Iraq) ... but in the long run, AQI will go and the divisions will remain - damning a realistic chance at long-term stability.

These guys only disagree over how soon we go - do we go unconditionally or do we allow a possibility that we can leave some soldiers behind to help the Iraqi Gov't if they need some backup (assuming they make some political process). Both agree that in order for any political progress to happen we have to be willing to get out of there - or at least make the Iraqi's think we're going so they'll be in the hot seat.

Also, i heard the other day that we are turning over Sadr City (i think it was) to the Iraqi Army ... but then i heard we now have to SPY on the iraqi army to keep them in line.

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