
Sabre Rattling Behind Closed Doors

Syd Hersh has a monopoly on scoops! W got $400M from the Gang of Eight LAST YEAR to up covert ops in Iran.

Hersh was also on Fresh Air Monday . . .

1 comment:

Tranq said...

i can't believe i'm posting on your blog - but i just thought i'd point out that exposing this covert u.s. operation in iran - or even just claiming that there is a covert operation in iran - will likely reinforce the mullahs' authority, and could significantly undermine long term efforts to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons. while some people may consider hersh a champion of the fourth estate, others will certainly argue that he's irresponsible and opportunistic.

as for that infamous nie - while everybody latched on to the conclusion that iran stopped nuclear weapons development in 2003, almost no one knows that the same nie said that iran may have reinitiated weapons work after that time