
Bush Reads!

.... a LOT it turns out. (via Auntie) Karl Rove writes in the WSJ about how voracious a reader our President is. Although he has great taste (and read a lot of books I'd like to read) I wonder how much governing you can do when you read more than a book a week ... I guess a genius could do both - but we know the answer to that.

Maybe W. and Sarah Palin should have a reading contest.


Anonymous said...

Karl Rove and George Bush have both proven that they have no credibility. Therefore, I look at this column by Rove as propaganda trying to salvage the legacy of his buddy Bush, and unlikely to be true.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Frank Rich from the NYT agrees with my assessment of Bush's supposed voracious reading habit.

"To this end, Rove has repeated a stunt he first fed to the press two years ago: he is once again claiming that he and Bush have an annual book-reading contest, with Bush chalking up as many as 95 books a year, by authors as hifalutin as Camus. This hagiographic portrait of Bush the Egghead might be easier to buy were the former national security official Richard Clarke not quoted in the new Vanity Fair saying that both Rice and her deputy, Stephen Hadley, had instructed him early on to keep his memos short because the president is “not a big reader.”