
Why McCain Needs the Press

Yglesias had a good thought I forgot to post - essentially that McCain sometimes has really good views on complicated/minor issues that the elite media understands, gives him credit for, and explains it to the people. That worked well for McCain in the Senate when the Press loved him and could build up his reputation. But now without the press to make his case for him, as in the debates, McCain isn't good at explaining himself (see the "health" comment on abortion) so most of his comments and policies (and maybe even the good ones) go over the head of ordinary voters and let Obama fill the void by talking about regular issues in a way that voters understand them.

UPDATE: Joe Klein of Time just got banned from the McCain campaign plane (like the rhyme?) because he's been critical of the McPain ticket. But of course other Time reporters (like Halperin of The Page - a conservative) still have a seat. I guess Maureen Dowd was banned too.

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