
Stewart v. Kramer Finale

Watch the video of Jim Kramer on the Daily Show here. It was really good - serious - not too awkward - something that needed to be done. I like both Kramer and Stewart, and I thought it was good for Kramer to come on the show, be humbled, and take the grilling that he deserved. And Stewart didn't go over top - he expressed the rightful anger

Here's the NYT's take.

MUST SEE: The Kramer interview reminded me of when Stewart went on Crossfire back around 2004 and blasted Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson for "hurting America." If you haven't seen it - you should (here) ... and you'll see what awkwardness looks like - and what the Kramer interview could have been.


Anonymous said...

Neil Postman rests his case. "News" television is actually not. It's all a joke.

Anonymous said...

I saw Tucker Carlson on TV a few days after the Stewart v. Kramer thing. He was just complaining about how Stewart was a biased, political hack. Surprise.

I also noticed that he wasn't wearing a bowtie. Point, John Stewart.