
For Your Queue

I finally saw Taxi to the Dark Side - last year's Oscar winner for best documentary - and I'd emphatically recommend it. The movie starts with the death of an Afghani taxi driver in the U.S. prison in Bagram - later revealed to be a homicide - and follows the trail of abuse through the brass, administration, DTA, waterboarding, Geneva Common Article IV, Gitmo, and everything else that's gone on with respect to detainee interrogations since 9/11. Add it to your Netflix queue.


Anonymous said...

Seen it. As a companion DVD to that I recommend Standard Operating Procedure which includes interviews with all the culprits, including the "shooter/thumbs up" lady.

TTTDS is better and provides a larger picture but SOP gives you a more first hand account from all the big names in the Abu Ghraib scene.

Anonymous said...

I think queue is spelled queue.