When are these egotistical, power-hungry jagoffs (pardon my language), meaning Putin, Bush, basically any other political leader in history, going to realize that the regular guy doesn't give a damn about their little arguments? The regular Joe is told that they are serving their country or religion when they invade Iraq or Georgia, or strap a bomb to their chest and ride a bus. They're told that they must fight and possibly die for the cause or freedom or whatever God they represent. Do you think the average Russian really wants to shoot a Georgian, or an average Iranian wants to destroy America? In the 60s you didn't trust anyone over 30; today we shouldn't trust anyone with a cause. I propose a revolution of the sane and average over the insane and extraordinary...the latter has already caused enough shit. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!
When are these egotistical, power-hungry jagoffs (pardon my language), meaning Putin, Bush, basically any other political leader in history, going to realize that the regular guy doesn't give a damn about their little arguments? The regular Joe is told that they are serving their country or religion when they invade Iraq or Georgia, or strap a bomb to their chest and ride a bus. They're told that they must fight and possibly die for the cause or freedom or whatever God they represent. Do you think the average Russian really wants to shoot a Georgian, or an average Iranian wants to destroy America? In the 60s you didn't trust anyone over 30; today we shouldn't trust anyone with a cause. I propose a revolution of the sane and average over the insane and extraordinary...the latter has already caused enough shit. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!
Oh and that revolution is not a cause, so you can trust me.
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