
Conservative Take

Here's what the editors over at NRO think of the Palin pick. I'm still a little mistified. I saw Rob Portman touting her achievements as a city councilwoman today on Hardball!

MUST SKIM: for any of you who were at the speech last night, this is outrageous. Byron York was there - and takes a look at Obama through two drunk/high, unemployed, hippy supporters. He's lying and/or misleading through the whole thing. They didn't even serve beer (yet he implies that in the first sentence). But to paint the thing as the next Woodstock while there were 25 Military top-brass on stage offering their endoresement on stage is misleading - low - and unethical. It's like finding 2 skinheads in MSP and asking them about McCain.

One More: The National Review is unbelievable. From a review on the speech:

If all you knew of Obama was what he presented to you in his speech, you would think of him as a typical Democratic politician improved by the addition of a bit more thoughtfulness and idealism than the average representative of the class. You would be amazed to learn of his extremely close relationship to a radical anti-American preacher; or that he has followed a no-enemies-to-the-left approach to politics that put him in the company of an unrepentant terrorist. You would not suspect that he favors taxpayer-funded abortion or drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants. You would not realize that he has crossed party lines far less often than McCain. You would not imagine that he had ever voted against funding for troops in war zones. It would not cross your mind that this denouncer of hardball, self-interested politics might be having his campaign intimidate reporters out of looking into his record.
... also this (which is TRUE): "He presented McCain as the lone holdout against a consensus on withdrawal from Iraq that includes President Bush"

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