
Fine, I Relent

Ok, it now looks like the Obama speech won't get a news cycle ... and McCain's tactic paid off. However, I'm not sure his Palin-pick-tactic will pay off. First, it looks like a total pander for any HRC voters (which were either going to vote for him b/c they only care about voting for a woman, or not vote for him because they actually had issues they cared about). Second, it makes McC look very hypocritical for attacking Obama's experience - McCain always talks about having a VP who's "ready" to be President ... and picks a chick who's 2 years from being a mayor of a small Alaskan town!! Now she's one 72-year old heartbeat away from the White House?!!? Third, Biden will destroy her in the debates (I'm interested to what in her "record" she'll point to).

The one place it may help is in the suburban/white/woman demographic. They're arguably torn - have some conservative social issues, but economic justice concerns, and are excited by woman and black man running, but concerned about taxes, etc. The Palin pick may give them another reason to stay in the GOP column. Maybe.

I don't know jack about Palin. I'm sure I'll learn more. And I'm sure we'll talk about it more.

Update: She is a looker though! This is the most exposure she's gotten since Van Halen's hot for teacher video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you! Naughty Librarian for VP!