
Science and the Left

So, Yuval Levin was one of the up and coming conservatives David Brooks touted last week ... and it seems he likes to write about how the Left and Science are held together by the devil himself. It's a long article - and he is right on this front (at the very end of it): when it comes to life issues (beginning of life and end of life) liberals are torn between "equality" (which science does not support and suggests erring on the side of human dignity) and "humanity" (which supports utilitarian ends). Other than that correct observation on how to frame the tension, he pretty much mischaracterizes science history and associates every famous thinker and scientist of the enlightenment with the bad democrats. I wonder if there are any historical figures he deems worthy to associate w/ the GOP. Furthermore, any contradiction are not isolated Dem issues - the GOP has plenty of inconsistancies.

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