
David Simon is the Bomb

So - I'm getting through season 5 of the Wire Finally, so I thought I'd re-read this article on David Simon since it's about the newspaper and season 5 . God I love this show and am really sad it's about to be over (for me). I remember when it was on HBO a lot of fans were disappointed w/ the last season - but I'm loving it still. It's over the top - but b/c you know the characters so well it's totally believable as well.

Be sure to read David Simon's response post to Yglesias's blog on the Wire. Dude is crazy - but awesome.

Also - I caught the first 2 episodes of David Simon's Generation Kill on Sunday. Not a bad series ... I wouldn't say I love it as much as Band of Brothers yet, but it's a good look at the early stages of the Iraq war. There's obviously a lot that can be taken from it (especially for liberals) but what I was really intruiged by was the soldiers' extreme respect for the Iraqi's and the Republican Guard as fighters. All I remember from the early days of the war was the impression that we just romped through the Iraqi lines. If the Gen Kill depiction is correct, our Marines were a lot more impressed w/ the Iraqi heart than the DoD let on.

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