
It's Your Turn

I've been in NYC for a few days and have been out of the loop. If anyone has some good articles to catch me up on what's been going on, please post them in the Comment section.

I guess Phil Graham made a gaffe? Yahoo is still refusing Microsoft's offer? What else has been going on?


Kara K. Pearson said...

Not like I really agree with Mr. Gramm, but we kinda are a "nation of whiners." We've got it pretty darn good when you really compare. Other news - Angelina and Brad had their twins! Knox and Vivenne - b&g twins. Also, Tony Snow died, and Americans spend about $18 billion on health care for their pets, including LIPOSUCTION! http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/13/magazine/13pets-t.html?em&ex=1216094400&en=87397ae110a02afd&ei=5087%0A

Anonymous said...

marmol made the all-star team after blowing a huge lead last saturday. cubs cubs cubs cubs cubs cubs cubs

Gortyn said...

Budweiser sold to InBev. For me, it used to be Coors at home, Budweiser out and about. (Try finding a Coors at a bar/restaurant). No more. It's only the Banquet Beer for me now. Which, I suppose is fitting, since every day is a holiday and every meal is a banquet.