
Ayn Rand is Screwing Up the World ... Still

MUST READ: I never got too many specifics on what Ayn Rand's philosophy was - aside from that she was influential to the supply-siders in the GOP. But this TNR piece by Jonathan Chiat reviewing a new biography on Rand is extraordinary. Personally, I realized how the Rand - Anti-Rand schism is a fight I've been debating with conservatives since before I was able to define the debate (i.e. since before today). Especially in the context of the healthcare debate - and under a progressive President - it's essential to understand why certain arguments just don't work on the Right....and it's because they're operating on a separate, Randian, world view complete with its own values, terminology, and blind faith in empirically false ideals.

1 comment:

Syd O said...

I always wondered if should read Ayn Rand and now I don't have to. she was a selfish bigot trying to eek a life out of a troubled childhood. amen.