
Palin's Reason for Resigning?

Matt Continetti has the interview with her at Weekly Standard. Here's the funny part.
The fierce reaction surprised Palin. She is acutely aware of what the media and her opponents say about her. She heard some people say that the timing of her speech was odd. Not so. "Independence Day is so significant to me--it's sort of a way for me to illustrate that I want freedom for Alaskans to progress, and for me personally," she told me during a telephone interview on July 9. Others said the motivation for her resignation was not clear. "I'm like, 'Holy Jeez, I spoke for 20 minutes' " giving reasons, she said.
Then she pretty much goes on to say that she can't fight for what she believes in with all the hassle of the Governor's office and opposition she's gotten since the election (so she's rather fight as a private citizen than from the throne?) - and she believes she's accomplished more in 2 years than most Governors do in a full term (true - I can't think of another Alaskan Gov. to run for Prez).

MUST READ: if you want to get real, non-Kool Aid, assessment of Palin - read Peggy Noonan in the WSJ today.

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