
Give her a Press Conference

Sullivan makes some good points in rebuking Rich Lowry:

01 Oct 2008 02:33 pm


It's probably right that the McCain campaign should have eased her into national media interviews, rather than throwing her into extremely high-stakes situations immediately.

Immediately? She's been the nominee for over a month and she still hasn't given a press conference! She had the easiest of Gibson interviews after a few weeks and than an infomercial from Fox, combined with a propaganda movie, and then Hewitt! Yes, Couric asked questions that any local politician can answer. That was too much? Dan Quayle answered press questions a day after being nominated. No veep candidate has ever in modern times avoided the press the way she has. Ever.

Look: we have a person who doesn't know of another Supreme Court case apart from Roe vs Wade and cannot name a newspaper she reads. She has been sequestered from any normal press access for a month.

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