
Brooks Comes Clean

Brooks finally reveals why he's so disappointed with McCain - and probably explains why he's been so back-and-forth this election.

Here's JMB's take:
[I think] brooks just came clean in today's column. explains why he's been all over the map, at time praising obama (for filling the void brooks feels seen in politics), and then ripping on him (because he took ground that rightfully belongs to "progressive conservatives"). I agree w/ him in large part, but besides being a bit of any oxymoron--"conservative" comes up as an antonym for "progressive" in my dictionary--his title for that group of centrist voters could just as easily be "conservative liberals". I think he's just so disappointed w/ his party he's looking for another demographic to make up his base, so he's trying to pick up the genuinely independent and convince them they're in his camp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Finally, I'm getting published! Also, you ought to do a little snooping on Bob Barr. He seems like a sad consolation vote for full-fledged conservatives, but I don't know anything about him beyond what wikipedia told me half and hour ago.