
The North Star President

Obama's press conference last week, announcing his much derived tax-cut deal with republicans ended on a massive note. This Daily Beast article sums it up. Essentially Obama took to task idealists on both sides and made the case for long view ("north star") goals that allow for short term concessions. And - brilliantly - he reminds us that our union was built on compromise .... and that he couldn't have "walked through the front door" at the nation's inception.

I was really moved, even though I thought that he should have made the GOP explicitly and publicly fight for the rich. But he reminded me I'm not President ...

Watch - starting at 26:00 - here.

1 comment:

Dr. Ed said...

Thanks for this. I had a friend call me when the Obama compromise first hit the news. "What do you think of Obama giving in to the Bush tax cuts?!!!" (With a aren't-you-mad-as-hell tone.) It hit me right then, "I'm fine with it. I'm sick of the partisan fighting." And the more I've thought about it the more trivial extending tax breaks to the wealthy seems. I'm happy for them. The issue is the deficit not whether the rich are getting richer.

The only thing I'm faulting Obama for is "Don't ask. Don't Tell". As commander-in-chief, couldn't he have ended it on day one of his presidency? Or maybe he is smarter than I give him credit for and he wanted to give idiots like McCain a chance to line up on the wrong side of history thus limiting their careers. :-)