
Mid-Term Wrap Up

(via Medium) Why are Steele and Palin not ok with anonymous quotes, but ok with anonymous donors?

(via VH1) Krugman destroys the myth that "Obama didn't focus enough on the economy."

Best concession speech wardrobe: Tancredo's western pearl-button.

Best concession speech closing: Feingold quoting obscure Dylan.

A under-commented on result of the elections: GOP wins at the local level will give them an advantage in redistricting and also may gum up the wheels of health care implementation.

William Saletan has a wonderful article in Slate describing how Democrats actually won - by enacting historic legislation. They actually used their power to pass laws ... and actually sacrificed some of their power for long-term accomplishments. Majorities come and go, but Obamacare is here to stay.

1 comment:

Syd O said...

what an awesome list. Could you include good locations to buy razor blades and sleeping pills that are conveniently located next to seedy motels where no one will miss you?