(via E.I.C.) John Derbyshire has an interesting half-defense of conservative talk radio in this week's American Conservative. I could quibble with many of his points - but I'll instead chalk it up to ideological differences (i.e. mentioning All Things Considered in the same sentence with Hannity is laughable). However, to the extent he's a little sad that the likes of William F. Buckley Jr. has been replaced by Rush Limbaugh as the "voice of conservatism" I'm with him 100%. Derbyshire repeats that he has "no problem" with lowbrow conservatism enough times for you to know he does have a problem with it - albeit a lesser problem - and wishes there was more to the movement. Unfortunately, when you see Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter headline the last day of CPAC (which is today), you know that lowbrow conservatism is the de facto head of the GOP
If you'd like an idea of how things ought to be - an example that illuminates the bastardization of conservative ideas and techniques as they've evolved to today - then check out this 1969 debate between WFB and Noam Chomsky and dream of what things could be.
1 comment:
So coincidentatlly I only get a few channels on the tv that's not hooked up to cable and one of them is cspan which coicidentally aired Limbaugh's speech.
My favorite line has to be "this is not time to try and beat liberals with better policy ideas."
I'm glad the GOP is concerned about coming up with any ideas that work. We can finally get back to ignoring science, reality and decency.
The rest of the time Rush talked about how he's such a big deal and how he can control news cycles on top of how great this country is that a no-college blowhard can confer with the president. (I actually argue on the basis of technopoly that's exactly why this country fails)
This all came in between rants of how squirelly liberals are and why GOP shouldn't be afraid of them.
I didn't catch it all because frankly it was scary movie where the murderer is an intellectually devoid as Jason is unkillable and I don't like scary movies.
Other highlights: Porkulus package, ignorance of what TARP is, general ignorance of depression era economics. People cheering like a Toby Keith concert. The Potomac flooding with all the tears of the world.
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