
Not All Went Smoothly

Obama foreign policy advisor Marc Lynch got hosed!
A reported two million people watched Barack Obama's inauguration today. I, unfortunately, wasn't one of them. If you don't care why, and just want foreign policy blogging, skip the rest of this post and come back tomorrow.

See, I went to the show with a few friends who received excellent Purple tickets as a reward for untold hours volunteering as foreign policy advisers for the Obama campaign. We got down to the security checkpoint for the Purple section bright and early (I left home at 4 AM), and were guided into a long tunnel which had been closed to traffic. We waited in line for nearly four hours, in a claustrophobic tunnel with no porta-potties, no food or drink, and not a single official or volunteer in sight. Finally, we got within sight of the Purple Gate -- only to find that it had been closed. Thousands of people in front of us hadn't gotten in (not that anyone bothered to tell the people languishing in the tunnel that the gate had been closed, mind you). Thousands of purple ticket holders were behind us. It's remarkable that there wasn't a riot. I rode the metro home with a lot of people who had been turned away, including an elderly African-American woman muttering over and over to herself that it had been one of the worst experiences of her life.


Anonymous said...

Awww, the poor intellectual didn't make it into the club. Boo-hoo. Now, I wonder if he'll be so quick to tout his Obama work if Obama's "change" doesn't come through? Can we finally be done with the pageantry and get to work. Geo-political resource wars don't need purple tickets.

Anonymous said...

I was also in the Purple Ticket crowd. He's right that it's amazing there wasn't a riot (people started climbing the fences). Such is the nature of political events!