
The Virgin Interview

MUST SEE: Did you all see Palin's ABC interview? Here. First, she doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is. Second, when asked about foreign policy she said she brings "energy" to the table. Third, when confronted with her "God's will" (in Iraq) comment, she claimed it was Lincoln-esque after trying to wiggle out of her actual words (kudos, Charlie for not letting her do it - btw, he was pretty good, I know the campaign thought ABC would be the least-bad alternative ... but its still an extravaganza).

I hope she does these interviews all day - maybe she sounds smart to the American people - but I think she's coming off as totally over her head.

OH - how could I forget! She is thinking about going to war with Russia (who she thought was unprovoked) !! I wish I was kidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe her answer if she's ready made no sense. She's a terror. A new word for monster should be created with images of Palin as it's foundation.