
Progressive Coporatism?

David Brooks looks into the future, and sees the effect of the financial meltdown:

If you wanted to devise a name for this approach, you might pick the phrase economist Arnold Kling has used: Progressive Corporatism. We’re not entering a phase in which government stands back and lets the chips fall. We’re not entering an era when the government pounds the powerful on behalf of the people. We’re entering an era of the educated establishment, in which government acts to create a stable — and often oligarchic — framework for capitalist endeavor.

After a liberal era and then a conservative era, we’re getting a glimpse of what comes next


Anonymous said...

Is yglesias in love with this guy? Funny thing is he says it will be an "educational era". What education is he refering to? Certain people think Naval Academy and Idaho State have got the right education to correct these problems.

Now, I went to a school more academically accredited than Idaho State and majored in business, not journalism and I know that I'm no where near qualified to provide a solution and I am educated.

And I can prob say for a certainty that all those advisors putting words into Ms. Idaho State's mouth have degrees from schools outside of the WAC.

Anonymous said...

If we're going to be bailing out upper and middle management for making poor judgments with other people's money, we need to bring back the 50% tax bracket that was in place before Reagan. The only power government has is to tax. There is just too much money and greed to go around. At least tax money could pay real workers to beef up our structural infrastructure and create a green energy economy.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Blog, I would disagree with your statement that it will be "educational" as in a learning experience for the US but more of a time when people who have knowledge make plans for the betterment of society. (if there are people who can still act in that capacity)