David Brooks is pissed - and rightly so - by the failure of the "bailout" ... proving once again that he's a rare conservative (one with sensible views who lives in reality). Read it. But I don't write for the Times - and am not a Republican - so here's my take:
It's no wonder that the only politicians with a worse approval rating than Bush is the entire Congress. I've been no big fan of Pelosi and Reid, but they actually did what Congress is supposed to do - they took a bad bill and made it better. They insisted on bipartisanship and crafted a bill that, through compromise, addressed the centrists while leaving the left-right fringe out. Whenever you have Judd Gregg and Barney Frank agreeing on something you've got to take notice - the mortal enemies that ended up agreeing on the framework was (as it ended up) too good to be true. And yes - the Dems didn't whip their caucus perfectly, but they brought as many votes as they promised to bring. It really was the GOP that killed this. First, leadership was abysmal. Leave alone McCain's feigned heroism - Boehner's cajones were MIA. He wouldn't commit to anything publicly, but sent is surrogates (Blunt, Putnam, Spencer Baucus, etc.) to do the negotiating under the aegis of leadership - and they came through. Then, Boehner didn't do any heavy lifting (Blunt especially, as whip) to get his rank and file behind him. And the Mike Pence ideologues wrecked it. Mind you, his colleagues in the Republican Conference don't live in reality - their supply-side ideology leads them to run the economy off a cliff ... and then their supply-side ideology forbids them from doing anything about it! Congressman are elected to make decision - and actually learn about policy, we're a representative democracy - it's paternalistic - you don't rely on what "joe-six pack" has to say on Hannity when you cast a decisive vote like this. Nevermind we're 35 days from an election - its a severe cop-out - and no "profile in courage" to rely on novice opinion polls instead of learning and making an informed vote on this. And to top it off - it's not like they blame it on policy - or even offered their own alternative! In the end they thought Pelosi was too "mean" to them! The GOP at least know politics - which conforting in a way since they don't know anything about governing.
This is what Pelosi needs to do: The rules are such that, in the House, you can ram anything down the minority's throat- the majority determines the rules on how the bill is even voted on. It's time for the Dems to step up and show some leadership. They should go back to the board, draw up the best - most progressive - bill possible and ram it down Mike Pence's throat. If it works, you take credit. If it bombs, you take responsibility. Thats what we elect politicians to do. And I'm sick of the games.
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It's not many times I get to see Mr. Blog's fury but I see it here and I like it.
I would have fury but it was short-circuited by laughing for 3 straight days at Palin's incapability to govern. Or speak english.
I agree, I would love to see the house Dems come together on something, but can the dems find something on which they all agree? I wonder what it would take to get my man Dennis Kucinich to get on board. This may just be a non-partisan issue. Economics still is not a hard science and I'm not sure I believe anyone can predict what the effect of no bailout will really be.
Update: I just read a letter from Michael Moore (http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?id=236) that essentially says what Mr. Blog says regarding what should happen next, but he adds a bunch of insight into why he thinks the Bush plan went down, including letters from 200 economists warning Congress that the bailout plan may worsen the "financial crisis". And I read this after my first comment.
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