
Democrats Will Always Find an Excuse

(via VH1) Glenn Greenwald points out how the Dems will only support/advocate for the public option when they know it won't pass...then when it gains momentum they balk. It's a stark reality-check argument, and I hope he's wrong. But I fear he may not be. I particularly like the "villain rotation" moniker.
This is why, although I basically agree with filibuster reform advocates, I am extremely skeptical that it would change much, because Democrats would then just concoct ways to lack 50 votes rather than 60 votes -- just like they did here. Ezra Klein, who is generally quite supportive of the White House perspective, reported last week on something rather amazing: Democratic Senators found themselves in a bind, because they pretended all year to vigorously support the public option but had the 60-vote excuse for not enacting it. But now that Democrats will likely use the 50-vote reconciliation process, how could they (and the White House) possibly justify not including the public option? So what did they do? They pretended in public to "demand" that the public option be included via reconciliation with a letter that many of them signed (and thus placate their base: see, we really are for it!), while conspiring in private with the White House (which expressed "sharp resistance" to the public option) to make sure it wouldn't really happen.
Also BE SURE to watch the Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ) video at the bottom ... he makes the argument for the public option better than some progressives!


The WSJ Entertains the Idea of Peak Oil

(via Syd O) The Wall Street Journal final succombs to the the far-left liberal crazies and runs an article arguing that we need to start preparing for Peak Oil.

Some dubious emails and slightly dodgy dossiers have cast a new, and unflattering, light on the global-warming debate, raising the risk of a return to the belief that we can go on consuming oil with impunity. Being a "climate-change denier" is in danger of becoming almost fashionable. But whatever the risk to the climate, scarce and expensive oil would be a threat to established economies.

We need alternatives.


New Challenge to TABOR

Thank God. Boulder lawyer, Herb Fenster, is challenging TABOR on constitutional grounds that (interestingly) it deprives the ability of the State to provide a 3-branch government. It sounds like a long-shot, but this issue needs to be pounded. TABOR is so destructive.

Game Theory and Health Reform

(via Ezra) This Slate article applying Game Theory ("prisoner's dilemma" and "battle of the sexes" games specifically) to the difficulty in passing health care reform is a cool little read.



(via Syd O) This map is pretty awesome.


Palin's Cheat Sheet

(via Medium) This is unbelievable. Actually, it's believable, but very sad. Sarah Palin has been writing notes on her hand!! And the above picture was taken at the Tea Party Convention - like she needed help speaking their language!



Question Time With the President

MUST WATCH: Last Friday something nearly unprecedented in American politics happened - Obama went to address the House GOP conference to give some remarks (not remarkable) - BUT then he opened it up for questions ... and did a back-and-forth, town hall type, debate for over an hour! Obama took on about 400 republicans .... and schooled them. This is Obama in his element, and he's unbelievably impressive.


GoDaddy or Tim Tebow

I agree with this Washington Post editorial on the controversy surrounding Tebow's Super Bowl commercial.